Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sarah's Birthday

My Sarah turned 15! Yeah...3 more years till she is OUT-DA-DOOR! jk. We spent the day at the Lincoln Zoo, walking around town, seeing Prince of Persia, then coming home to a nice dinner and cake that her sister Serena made. It was fun spending one-on-one time with my baby girl. She doesn't talk much (unlike her mother) but when she does it keeps you on your toes. She has that subtle quick jabbing humor that your not too sure if she just insulted you or was just being sarcastic. My vegetarian-animal loving-free thinking-daughter adds so much texture to my life.

Love you my honu princess!

Blue Skies

It was a clear beautiful day and there was no reason I was NOT going to be out and about. I didn't have anything in particular that I wanted to do so I packed a small lunch and grabbed a book, off I went to Millennium Park. I sat there for hours reading and people watching. I wandered down to Navy Pier to get some "pennies" for Kevin's collection but ended back at the was a lazy Saturday and it couldn't have been any better!


Here are some pictures of my much-needed-getaway. I went to the luxurious and tropical state of visit Kevin. We had such a blast, our time was spent sleeping in, enjoying morning coffee, movies, a zoo (the key to enjoying a zoo that is packed with children is a "gentle shove") and lots of eating out. We went through some ideas as to where to go on vacation in Sept or Oct and he shared about his upcoming move back to California.

Like I said this was way overdue and its just what the doctor ordered! LOL Here are some pictures of our time....enjoy